Friday 9 June 2017

Who is the Right Person to Optimize Content: SEO or Content Writer?

There is a very close relationship between the content and SEO. But, both of the fields can be seemed located far from each other when it comes to execution. However, there are certainly some areas from both fields that overlap with each other.

Web Page Content and On-Page Optimization are hugely related to each other. So, is it safe to say that a SEO can manage the work of content optimizer and vice versa? Let’s find out.

SEO is a science and content is art
There is no doubt about it. SEO may be termed as the art of getting online traffic but it is no way near art. For starters, the main job of an SEO is to fix and develop the website’s structure. Even the wordpress websites come with a lot of structural issues which can be pretty complicated. And only a SEO can fix those issues.

But it doesn’t mean that content is not important in SEO. As a matter of fact, the major problems in ranking are most commonly due to issues with the content. In other words, optimized and valuable content is an equally important factor to take into consideration.

However, there is interdependence between site content and structural SEO. And this interdependence is the very reason for the huge budgets of overall optimization projects. So, it would be pretty tough call to make if you are left with either one of content or SEO to make an investment in.

Role of SEO in content
When it comes to SEO’s job in concern with the content, the only creative task SEO needs to do is to work the keywords into the content to optimize it well for the website. And if you ask anyone saner, that person wouldn’t suggest you to let the SEO do this optimization work at all.

So, the right way to manage this work is to make SEO the in-charge of entire process. Content creator should not be given the task to make keyword research and create content according to that research as it can put extra burden on the content creator.

So, when SEO researches for the keywords and provides them to the content writer, it becomes the writer’s job to appropriately integrate keywords in the content to make the content highly optimized for the site.

Additionally, SEO can bring content at the risk of losing quality when they try to insert keywords in the content. Hence, this task of integrating keywords should be assigned to content creator because it’s only the content creator who knows how to maintain quality with such limitations.

Role of content optimizer
A point that really makes sense here is that a content creator needs to know about the SEO more than SEO needs to know about content optimization. With this technicality in mind, a content creator can also focus on how to develop a content to target search engines.

Although, a writer needs to understand how to bring and keep engaged the visitors at first place, search engines cannot be ignored in any way. Content should be created to serve both the audience and search engines.


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